
International Relations

International flags.



Focusing on diplomacy and contemporary politics in their historical context, the concentration in International Relations offers coursework in political science, history, economics and language and equips students with the knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary to address the complex issues of an increasingly “flat” world.

All International Studies students are encouraged to participate in internships, and those concentrating in International Relations have recently earned internship credit for work in city and state government agencies and for work with non-governmental organizations.

Internship experience helps students to see how their careers may take shape, how the skills and knowledge gained in the classroom can become the foundation for their work beyond the university. In addition, although it is not required, all International Studies students are encouraged to study

All students need to develop informed views about governments and their relationships to one another and to their citizens. Students in International Relations will use their interdisciplinary studies to become critically engaged citizens of the world.

Requirements for the International Relations Concentration:

  • Four semesters of any foreign language
  • Political Science 372: American Foreign Policy or PSC 489: World Leaders
  • Anthropology 357: Political Anthropology or AN 358: Economic Anthropology
  • Communication 330: Intercultural Communication
  • 9 hours of International Studies electives